Zebra: Reading Practice 2 (report)

By | December 6, 2017

Each zebra has its own unique pattern of distinctive stripes, just as humans have their own unique pattern of fingerprints. Zebras stick together in herds. Within a herd, zebras tend to stay together in smaller family groups. Families are generally made up of a male, several females, and their young.

As a zebra grazes, it uses its sharper front teeth to bite the grass, and then uses its duller back teeth to crush and grind. A zebra’s teeth keep growing for its entire life, because constant grazing and chewing wears them down.

Zebras are constantly on the move to find fresh grass and water. Sometimes they gather in huge herds of thousands as they migrate to better feeding grounds. They often travel in mixed herds with other grazers and browsers, such as wildebeest.

Zebras groom one another. If you see two zebras standing close to each other and it looks like they’re biting each other, don’t worry. They’re pulling loose hairs off each other as they groom. Grooming also feels good to a zebra—it’s like having an itch scratched.

While most zebras are Least Endangered, Grevy’s Zebra is classified as Endangered.

Source: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/zebra/

1. The text above is categorized as a report because … .
A. it talks about one specific topic
B. it describes one specific object
C. it describes a classification of things
D. it uses the simple present tense
E. it talks about unique animals called zebra

2. Which of the following statements is true about a zebra’s pattern of stripes?
A. Stripe pattern of one zebra is different from that of another zebra
B. Stripe pattern of one zebra is the same as that of another zebra
C. There is nothing special about stripe pattern of a zebra
D. All zebras share the same number, pattern, and color of stripes
E. stripe pattern of a zebra can not be compared to human fingerprints

3. The second paragraph is about … .
A. a zebra’s eating habit
B. a zebra’s back teeth
C. a zebra’s favorite food
D. a zebra’s teeth
E. a zebra’s grazing activity

4. What does ‘graze’ most probably mean?
A. chew grass
B. feed on grass
C. look for grass
D. bite grass
E. see grass

5. Which of the following is true about a zebra’s teeth?
A. they are never worn down
B. they keep chewing grass
C. they are all sharp
D. they are dull but strong
E. they never stop growing

6. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Zebras keep traveling for grass and water
B. Zebras keep moving in small and huge herds
C. Zebras gather and mix with other grazers
D. Zebras migrate because they’re always hungry
E. Zebras do not like to stay in one place

7. What do two zebras do when they groom each other?
A. they scratch itches
B. they bite each other
C. they pull loose hairs
D. they stand close
E. they fight each other

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