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The Governmental Hierarchy and State Institutions

These are words and phrases related to the Indonesian Government and State Institutions.

1. Bupati: Regent
2. Camat: District chief/head
3. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR): The House of Representatives
4. Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD): House of Regional Representatives
5. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD): Regional Legislative Councils
6. Gubernur: Governor
7. Kabupaten: Regency
8. Kecamatan: Distric
9. Kelurahan: Village administrative unit
10. Ketua RT: Head of neighborhood uniit
11. ketua RW: Head of community unit
12. Lurah: Subdistrict chief/head
13. Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR): The People’s Consultative Assembly
14. Pidato kenegaraan: State of the nation address
15. Presiden: President
16. Presiden terpilih: President-elect
17. Rukun Tetangga (RT): Neighborhood unit
18. Rukun Warga (RW): Community unit
19. Wakil bupati: Deputy regent
20. Wakil gubernur: Deputy governor
21. Wakil ketua DPR: The House of Representatives deputy chairman
22. Wakil presiden: Vice president
23. Wakil presiden terpilih: Vice president-elect
24. Wakil walikota: Deputy mayor
25. Walikota: Mayor

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