Tag Archives: politics

George H.W. Bush: Listening Practice 6 (biography)

By | January 12, 2018

You will hear a life story of George Herbert Walker Bush, who was elected US President in 1989. Listen to the story carefully, and then decide whether the following statements are True or False. You can listen online or download the Mp3 file by clicking this link. Before he took office as president, George H.W. Bush was Ronald Reagen’s… Read More »

Election Official Found Dead: Listening Practice 2 (news)

By | December 5, 2017

Listen to the news story about the death of an election official in Kenya, and then answer the questions below. You can download the Mp3 file by clicking the following link Election Official in Kenya Found Dead. 1. What could be the potential motif of the official’s death? A. political B. economic C. financial D. business E. rational 2.… Read More »

Political Parties

By | December 22, 2017

These are words and phrases related to Indonesia’s political parties. 1. Dewan Pertimbangan Partai: Party Advisory Board 2. Dewan Pimpinan Cabang (DPC): Branch Executive Board 3. Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP): Central Executive Board 4. Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah (DPW): Regional Executive Board 5. Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN): The National Mandate Party 6. Partai Bulan Bintang: The Crescent and Star… Read More »