Tag Archives: news

Saudi Arabia Ends Ban on Women Drivers (Part 1): Listening Practice 6 (news)

By | January 11, 2019

The following questions are based on a news story about Saudi Arabia ending ban on women drivers. The Voice of America is the original source of the story. You can download the Mp3 file or listen online by clicking this link Saudi Arabia Lifting Ban on Women Drivers. Listen to the news story carefully, and then decide whether the… Read More »

Saudi Arabia to Permit Movie Theaters After 35-Year Ban: Listening Practice 5 (news)

By | January 17, 2018

You will hear a news story about Saudi Arabia’s policy changes to permit movie theaters. Listen carefully, and then decide whether the following statements are True or False. You can listen online, or download the Mp3 file by clicking this link. In 2019 Saudi Arabians will be able to watch films in cinemas. T/F The decision to allow cinemas… Read More »

UN Approves Resolution Rejecting US Decision on Jerusalem: Listening Practice 4 (news)

By | January 10, 2018

Listen to the news story about the United Nations Resolution, and then decide whether the following statements are True or False. You can download the Mp3 file by clicking this link. President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. T/F The US President’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital was supported by the UN resolution. T/F The… Read More »

Election Official Found Dead: Listening Practice 2 (news)

By | December 5, 2017

Listen to the news story about the death of an election official in Kenya, and then answer the questions below. You can download the Mp3 file by clicking the following link Election Official in Kenya Found Dead. 1. What could be the potential motif of the official’s death? A. political B. economic C. financial D. business E. rational 2.… Read More »

Mafia Style Executioner Arrested in Kuala Lumpur: Reading Practice 4 (news)

By | December 13, 2017

NLF Malaysia: The Malaysian police have notified the Singaporean police that a suspected murderer, Tan Chor Jin, who fled to Kuala Lumpur after shooting and killing Mr. Lim Hock Soon, has been arrested. The 39-year-old suspect, who is blind in one eye, has been dubbed the ‘One-eyed dragon’. It was alleged that Tan entered Mr. Lim’s apartment at… Read More »