Tag Archives: latihan grammar untuk sma

The Simple Past Tense: Exercise 2

By | February 2, 2018

Instruction: Put each of the following sentences into the simple past tense. After that, make the sentence into an interrogative and negative one. Use a suitable time signal to indicate past time. Example: Ana goes to the movies once a week. a. Ana went to the movies last night. b. Did Ana go to the movies last night?… Read More »

Many/Much & A lot of: Exercise 1

By | December 6, 2017

Instruction: Decide whether to use many or much with these nouns. Remember that many is used with a plural noun, and much is used with an uncountable noun. 1. _____________ salt 2. _____________ soap 3. _____________ books 4. _____________ pencils 5. _____________ fruit 6. _____________ sand 7. _____________ grass 8. _____________ tables 9. _____________ paper 10. ____________ time… Read More »