Tag Archives: latihan bahasa inggris sma

The Simple Future or the Future Continuous Tense

By | December 28, 2015

Instruction: Put the verb in brackets into the simple future tense or the future continuous tense. In some situations, both tenses are possible. 1. A: Can I see you at 7 PM tommorow night? B: Sorry, you can’t. I (play, still) … tennis. 2. A: I (be) … very busy tonight. B: What (you, do) …? A: I… Read More »

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense, The Past Perfect Tense, The Past Continuous Tense,The Simple Past Tense: Review Exercise

By | March 4, 2018

Instruction: Put the verb in the brackets into the past perfect continuous tense, the past perfect tense, the past continuous tense, or the simple past tense. In some cases, more than one tense is possible. 1. Yesterday, I (go) … to Diana’s house. When we (get) … there, her father (tell) … us that she (sleep) … .… Read More »

Question Words: Exercise 2

By | December 11, 2017

Instruction: For each question word given, make a question based on the sentence. Example: John usually has scrambled eggs for breakfast. a. What: What does John usually have for breakfast? b. Who: Who usually has scrambled eggs for breakfast? 1. Pedestrians often throw away wastepaper on the sidewalk. a. Who b. What c. Where 2. Thirty nine students… Read More »

Many/Much & A lot of: Exercise 2

By | December 6, 2017

Instruction: Decide whether to use many, much, or a lot of. 1. I need to buy a text book, but I don’t have … money. 2. She needs … glasses for the party. That’s why she has borrowed a hundred from her neighbor. 3. He seems to be dehydrated. He needs to drink … water. 4. I know… Read More »

Many/Much & A lot of: Exercise 1

By | December 6, 2017

Instruction: Decide whether to use many or much with these nouns. Remember that many is used with a plural noun, and much is used with an uncountable noun. 1. _____________ salt 2. _____________ soap 3. _____________ books 4. _____________ pencils 5. _____________ fruit 6. _____________ sand 7. _____________ grass 8. _____________ tables 9. _____________ paper 10. ____________ time… Read More »