Tag Archives: grammar bahasa inggris sma

The Past Perfect Tense

By | February 5, 2018

The past perfect tense is used to describe: 1. an action that began and finished before another action in the past. Examples: a. The people had already evacuated before the category five tornado struck the city. b. When we arrived at his house, he was not there. He had already left. c. I missed the lesson. When I… Read More »

Articles: A/An & The

By | December 8, 2017

A/An A means seorang, sebuah, or seekor in Bahasa Indonesia. The sentence I have a pet dog at home means saya punya seekor anjing piaraan. A is used in the sentence because  the word is mentioned for the first time. In this case, the  listener is not sure which dog the speaker is talking about. An has the… Read More »