Tag Archives: english grammar for sma

Question Words: Exercise 1

By | December 11, 2017

Instruction: Make a yes/no question from each of these sentences. Then, using a suitable question word, make a question the answer to which is the word in italics. Example: Mr. Hadi teaches English. a. Does Mr. Hadi teach English? b. What does Mr. Hadi teach? Parto is reading a newspaper in the living room. a. Is Parto reading… Read More »

Question Words

By | December 11, 2017

Question words are used to ask certain types of questions. These question words are often referred to as WH question words because they have WH letters in them (WHAT, WHO, WHOM, WHERE, WHEN, etc.). WHAT: We use WHAT if we want to know specific information. We want to know the THING. Examples: 1. What is your English teacher’s… Read More »