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Some & Any: Exercise 1

Instruction: Complete the following interrogative questions with any. Then, depending on what you see in your classroom, answer the questions. In your answer, you can use some or any. Remember that the word any is used in interrogative and negative sentences, while some is used in positive sentences and in questions when offering or requesting.

1. Q: Do you see … flowers in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

2. Q: Do you see … dictionaries in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

3. Q: Do you see … birds in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

4. Q: Do you see … furniture in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

5. Q: Do you see … curtains in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

6. Q: Do you see … paper in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

7. Q: Do you see … bags in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

8. Q: Do you see … children in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

9. Q: Do you see … hats in this classroom?
A: ___________________________________________________

10. Q: Do you see … pictures in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

11. Q: Do you see … chalk in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

12. Q: Do you see … bicycles in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

13. Q: Do you see … erasers in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

14. Q: Do you see … pillows in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

15. Q: Do you see … red sweaters in this classroom?
A: __________________________________________________

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