
By | December 19, 2017

A review is another text genre that Indonesian high school students need to learn. A review is simply an evaluation. If it is an evaluation, what is it the writer evaluates? Perhaps, anything. But, commonly a review is written to evaluate a movie, book, performance, music,  or service.

After you read a book, watch a movie, or attend a music concert you may have a feeling about them. You might think the book is or is not worth reading. You might feel that the movie is or is not wroth seeing. In other words, you can see the strengths and weaknesses of the book or the movie. And these are the things that a reviewer writes in his or her review.

The purpose of a review – though in itself it is a subjective opinion of the writer – is to entertain, persuade, and inform readers, providing original opinion.

The following is an example of a simple movie review taken from

In short, the long-awaited Avengers: Age of Ultron delivered us more or less the what we’ve come to expect from the MCU. Fantastic action pieces along with witty banter, to only be brought down by familiar villain characteristics. But that’s not to say the movie was bad by any stretch, it was one hell of an entertaining ride and one of Marvel’s best films to date. Everything from the first film was carried over and to new heights; action sequences, villain screen time, character banter, and expanded knowledge of the universe are all given more screen time. I can’t see a sound reason die hard fans of the MCU would be disappointed here. The only major problem with Age of Ultron is, of course, its villain Ultron. His powers, to no surprise, have been dulled down significantly and he is now a jokester of sorts. He wasn’t nearly as menacing as the trailers made him out to be. At any given moment, he throws out a one liner for no real reason, so many in fact that it becomes near tiresome. But the core of the problem has to be Ultron’s plans are nothing we haven’t seen before. Another villain trying to end humanity as we know it and the Avengers are nipping at his heels the whole movie. They were actually too close to his heels the whole movie, in fact, they were prevailing for too much of the movie. The only person to actually ‘hurt’ the Avengers was Scarlet Witch, and she switches sides, which leaves Ultron all alone. And by all alone I mean Vibranium Ultron and hundreds of easily disposable mini Ultrons. Only to be brought down in a predictable fashion and surprisingly easy fashion. It seems like the Marvel executives are saving the real destruction for future movies and Thanos, which makes these movies seem almost like place holders.

But on a high note, Age of Ultron is far more action-packed than its predecessor. Not only are the action scenes better than the first film, but we actually get to see the numerous powers from all of the superheroes. Scarlet Witch’s telekinesis, The Vision’s density manipulation, Thor’s lightning possession, and, of course, a ton of smashing from the Hulk. It’s hard to argue the movie isn’t entertaining as hell! Is this the comic book movie to end all comic book movies? Not even close but it’s still pretty damn awesome!

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