Political Parties

By | December 22, 2017

These are words and phrases related to Indonesia’s political parties. 1. Dewan Pertimbangan Partai: Party Advisory Board 2. Dewan Pimpinan Cabang (DPC): Branch Executive Board 3. Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP): Central Executive Board 4. Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah (DPW): Regional Executive Board 5. Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN): The National Mandate Party 6. Partai Bulan Bintang: The Crescent and Star… Read More »

The City of Chicago: Reading Practice 1 (descriptive)

By | December 22, 2017

The following is a text describing Chicago. Read it carefully, and then answer the questions that follow. Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles. With 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in both the U.S. state of Illinois and the American Midwest. Its metropolitan area,… Read More »

President and the Cabinet

By | December 22, 2017

Words/phrases related to the president’s cabinet 1. Blusukan: Impromptu walkabouts (to meet people) 2. Ibu Negara: First lady 3. Kabinet Kerja: the Working Cabinet 4. Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu: The United Indonesia Cabinet Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan: Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister 5. Menteri Koordinator Ekonomi: Coordinating Economic Minister 6. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kelautan:… Read More »

Descriptive text

By | December 22, 2017

Apa itu  descriptive text? Descriptive text (Teks deskriptif) merupakan salah satu bentuk teks yang melukiskan/menggambarkan/mendeskripsikan seseorang, tempat, benda, atau situasi. Penulis mendeskripsikan seperti apa rupa fisik atau sifat seseorang, seperti apa kondisi sebuah tempat, seperti apa rupa sebuah benda atau binatang, sebagaimana dilhat, didengar, dan/atau dirasakan oleh penulis. Intinya, penulis menangkap apa yang dilihatnya, didengarnya, dirasakannya, dan lalu… Read More »

The Simple Present Tense: Execise 3

By | December 22, 2017

Instruction: Arrange the words into a good sentence (affirmative or positive, negative, or interrogative). You can a word or words if necessary. Example: live / dormitory /you / in / a (?) Do you live in a dormitory? 1. English / at / university / he / the / teaches (+) 2. Indonesia / grow / paddy /… Read More »