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Election Official Found Dead: Listening Practice 2 (news)

Listen to the news story about the death of an election official in Kenya, and then answer the questions below. You can download the Mp3 file by clicking the following link Election Official in Kenya Found Dead.

1. What could be the potential motif of the official’s death?
A. political
B. economic
C. financial
D. business
E. rational

2. How did he die?
A. He was hit by a bus
B. He had a heart attack
C. A disease killed him
D. He had a car accident
E. He was killed

3. The dead body was identified as Christoper, a top election official … .
A. a week after the election
B. a week before the election
C. several days before the election
D. several days after the election
E. on the election day

4. When was the election day in Kenya?
A. 8th of August
B. 4th of July
C. 7th of September
D. 8th of December
E. 6th of June

5. The official was the one who knew a lot about ….
A. vote counting
B. campaign
C. voting system
D. technology
E. mechanism

6. What countries offered help with the investigation of his death?
A. The USA and the UK
B. France and Ireland
C. Kenya and the USA
D. African countries
E. European countries

7. A Kenyan election expert said that the killing was possibly a way to … .
A. frighten the president to prevent him from running for office
B. continue to create political chaos and instability in Kenya
C. divide the country on the basis of races and religions
D. trigger conflicts within society approaching the election day
E. terrorize the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission

8. What is still unknown about his death?
A. The reason he was killed
B. When he was killed
C. The killer’s motif
D. The type of the gun used
E. How he was killed

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