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Chicago: Listening Practice 1 (descriptive)

The following questions are based on the story of Chicago. Download the MP3 file by clicking this link: Chicago MP3

1. Chicago has the following nicknames, except:
A. the Windy City
B. the City of Broad Shoulders
C. Player with Railroads
D. Hog Butcher for the World
E. Chicago fire

2. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A. Chicago’s nicknames
B. Chicago railway system
C. Downtown Chicago
D. Chicago city facilities
E. Chicago city center

3. What is the meaning of loop?
A. A complete circle
B. A downtown circle
C. A railway circle
D. Railway stations
E. Station stops

4. The loop is located in … .
A. Lake Michigan
B. the suburbs
C. the business district
D. downtown Chicago
E. Wabash Avenue


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