Category Archives: Report text

The Elephant: Reading Practice 5 (report)

By | December 5, 2017

The elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal with its thick legs,huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long nose, the trunk. The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant… Read More »

Hummingbirds: Reading Practice 4 (report)

By | December 22, 2017

Hummingbird is a common name for any of the more than 300 species of a family of small birds found in the Americas. The hummingbird family contains the smallest of all birds; many species are less than 8 cm (3 in) in overall length. The smallest species is the bee hummingbird of Cuba. Males are slightly smaller than… Read More »

Blue Whales: Reading Practice 3 (report)

By | December 6, 2017

Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet (30 meters) long and upwards of 200 tons (181 metric tons). Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile. Blue whales reach these mind-boggling… Read More »

Zebra: Reading Practice 2 (report)

By | December 6, 2017

Each zebra has its own unique pattern of distinctive stripes, just as humans have their own unique pattern of fingerprints. Zebras stick together in herds. Within a herd, zebras tend to stay together in smaller family groups. Families are generally made up of a male, several females, and their young. As a zebra grazes, it uses its sharper… Read More »

Piranha: Reading Practice 1 (report)

By | December 11, 2017

Today, piranhas inhabit the freshwaters of South America from the Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela up to the Paraná River in Argentina. Though estimates vary, around 30 species inhabit the lakes and rivers of South America today. Fossil evidence puts piranha ancestors in the continent’s rivers 25 million years ago, but modern piranha genera may have only been around for… Read More »